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‘7 Simple Tips for Summer Hair Care’

Keep your hair happy and healthy all summer long using these natural, chemical-free methods.

Natural hair rules within the summer! Now’s the season to let go of perfect, sleek hairdos and embrace that loose, natural look. Learn ways to guard your hair against the warmth, sun, and humidity without turning it into an endless battle.


1.      Cover-up:

Use a shawl or hat to cover your head when you’re under the sun. Not only does this provide extra UV protection, but it also helps your scalp retain moisture. Covering your hair reduces damage caused by wind, especially if your hair is susceptible to tangling, and protects color-treated hair.

2.      Put your hair up in loose, comfortable styles:

A messy braid is best for keeping your hair in restraint and minimizing exposure to the sun. Tight hairstyles are often damaging because they tend to tug and tear hair, especially if your hair is dry from the summer heat.


3.      Reduce the warmth:

Try to blow-dry your hair as little as possible. It’s already exposed to a big amount of warmth daily within the summer, and it’ll probably air-dry quickly anyways, so give the hairdryer a break and go natural if possible. Avoid flat-irons, too, as they’ll do further damage to already dry hair. Plus, a sleek hairstyle only makes that frizz stand out more.

4.      Say yes to oil massage:

Coconut, olive, and avocado oils are good at penetrating the hair shaft. Shampoo hair as always then works in oil from ends to roots. Rinse, then condition as usual. Your hair should feel moisturized afterward, but not greasy.

 5.      Use a wide-tooth comb rather than a brush:

Avoid pulling anything through your hair when it’s wet since that’s when it’s most prone to breaking. Wide-tooth combs are most gentle for untangling hair, as brushes can pull and tear after they snag strands.


6.      Trim Your Hair:

The tips of your hair take loads of beating during the summer. This can be observed once you see split ends and dry tips. Summer is an ideal time to give yourself a brand-new haircut, but if you don’t want to shorten your hair, choose a small trim that will take care of the ends and convey back life to your hair.

7.      Drink Plenty of Fluids:

While you’ll be doing all the above to guard your hair against the sun, if you’re not drinking enough water, you’re not going to achieve anything. Choose cooling liquids that will assist you to keep your hair healthy and hydrated. Include as many fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. This is often an important hair care tip for summer.

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