Ultrasonic lipolysis also known as Ultrasonic fat cavitation is a break through technology in body shaping. This treatment targets specific fat areas. This is definitive procedure to break open triglycerides from the fat cells by the cavitation effect created by low-frequency sound waves.
This is a proven faster way to achieve the inch loss, since the fat is released in the interstitial fluid one observes Instant inch loss.
This technology is a very effective in removing fat and eliminating cellulite also Till date, thousands of clients have been successful through UltraSonic Lipolysis treatment at The Inspiration Ultrasound is the only proven, effective non-invasive spot fat reduction therapy designed to give you a smaller body circumference, and long term inch loss, with more defined body contour.
In addition, ultrasound is non-invasive and painless. There is no scarring from using ultrasound and no recovery, no down time after treatment.
It is a safe, painless, comfortable and non-invasive procedure. The procedure is done using an ultrasound cavitation Machine which has a transducer, which is moved over the area selected in gradual circular movement at an appropriate angle on the parts to target various layers of fat.
The procedure generally lasts for 30 to 40 minutes. In some cases some difference is felt immediately after the procedure, however the real impact is seen 24 to 36 hours after the treatment.
Once the fat is released the liver needs some time to metabolise this fat for the real impact to show.
The transducers of the ultrasonic cavitation machine are made to deliver multidirectional acoustic waves ensuring that the Focused Energy is applied to the selected area only.
The fat tissue being susceptible to these waves undergo controlled mechanical destruction the fat cell membrane by the ultrasonic wave. As an effect the content of fat cell ,which are triglycerides ,are released in interstitial fluid and then it is metabolised physiologically.
During normal course of metabolism, triglycerides breaks down into glycerol and free fatty acids. Glycerol is water-soluble and thus is passed out through filtration, while the free fatty acids binds themselves with albumin and are transferred to liver for physiological metabolism.
Ultrasound therapy for spot fat reduction and inch loss targets the fat layer of the skin. Ultrasonic waves breaks up the fat stored in fat cells forcing these cells to release triglycerides (liquid fats) which are then burned up or you can say utilised by the body for normal functioning of body .This process is termed as cavitation, the empty fat cells then shrink. This gives a visible inch loss and reduction in the waistline.
Common treatment areas are arms, waist, stomach, hips and thighs another area can also be treated for the same after inspection of our doctor.
Any individual with rigid fat deposits can avail the benefits of this latest and most effective treatment.On an average 4-5 sessions and required to achieve the excellent result. A gap of 48 to 72 hours is kept between two sessions to ensure maximum results.
The Ultrasound procedure is not to be used on patients with an acute illness, compromised liver function, epilepsy, severe bleeding tendencies, pace makers, or during pregnancy.
Overall session takes approximately 45 minutes ,but its advised to have some buffer time for measurements and assessment.
Yes, it is a safe, comfortable, and non-invasive procedure with virtually no pain and no side effects. It does not require anaesthesia, leaves no scars and does not require any post treatment care . The ultrasound energy is designed to target fatty tissues beneath the skin only and does not affect the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. One can take a session and go back to normal routine immediately after.
This treatment is always in very high demand because of its efficacy in giving instant inch loss, In some cases some difference is felt immediately after the procedure, however the real impact is seen 24 to 36 hours after the treatment.
The Results depends on from where we have started and how much fat percentage is there in the body. On an average up to 2-3 inches can be reduced from overall tummy after one session
After the procedure fat cell membrane is destroyed and stored fat comes in the normal circulation, body needs fat for normal functioning ,this fat is used for normal physiological processes and and then metabolised by body naturally.
No, presence of fat cells in urine is a medical pathology and fat cells should never be excreted through urine , if ever somebody says that fat is excreted in urine.