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What Is Pigmentation on the Face and What Are the Causes of Pigmentation?

Pigmentation is a term that describes dark spots, patches, or even a general darkening of the skin’s outer layers. We have pigment cells called melanocytes that create a pigment called melanin that is equally distributed throughout the skin and gives us our natural color.

At any time in our lives, we can undergo skin darkening due to various external and internal factors. The most common external reason for pigmentation is ultraviolet radiation or sunlight, and one of the most common internal factors is hormones, particularly in women. These factors can increase the pigment cells in the skin or activate the cells to produce more melanin. 

There are many common types of pigmentation freckles, sports melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, etc. These often cause a cosmetic problem and thus require treatment. Freckles are a typical response to sunlight and can be seen as light brown spots on the face and exposed body parts. They are commonly seen in fair-skinned individuals and can be effectively prevented by good cleaning habits starting at a young age.

A variety of factors can cause pigmentation of the skin. On the other hand, skin pigmentation is easily treated if caught early enough. The next are the most common causes of skin pigmentation:

1. Sunlight-Induced Irritation:

We are all aware that sunlight darkens our skin. Tanning can cause hyperpigmentation in certain people. When our skin is exposed to the sun, a burning reaction occurs. This response occurs when your skin is exposed to daylight, but at such low amounts that it remains undetected. However, when your skin is exposed to sunlight for an extended period, the skin irritation worsens, resulting in hyperpigmentation.

2. Damage to the skin:

Anything from a minor irritant to a pimple can harm your skin and cause it to create too much melanin. When you have a skin condition, your body responds by producing a burning sensation. This reaction triggers the formation of melanocytes in our skin once more. Aside from a searing response, your skin will not be able to restore its even tone skin color if it is damaged. Darker tones are formed over the afflicted skin when skin colors can no longer be restored. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by a variety of skin conditions, including dermatitis.

3. Hypersensitive Reactions:

When your skin is exposed to any hypersensitive reaction, it may experience a burning sensation. When you are severely hypersensitive to anything, your body may occasionally overreact when you come into touch with the allergy. Furthermore, this generates a burning feeling on the skin. There’s a good probability your skin will react to such stimulation. These responses may also trigger the formation of melanocytic cells, resulting in skin hyperpigmentation.

4. Pharmaceuticals:

There are a variety of medications that might cause hyperpigmentation as a side effect. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by topical retinoids, anti-infection medicines, anti-seizure medications, hormone therapy, non-steroidal pharmaceuticals, and chemotherapy therapies. The prescription has also been found to cause hormonal changes in our bodies, leading to the formation of melanocytic cells. When these cells are activated, an excess of melanin is produced. Hyperpigmentation can also be a side effect of various medications that you may be forced to take.

5. Hair Removal Unexpectedly:

Hyperpigmentation can occur as a result of facial hair removal. Even if this is the case, you shouldn’t be concerned about hyperpigmentation regarding hair removal. Hyperpigmentation is not caused by threading or fine shaving. Expelling hair from the root or exposing the root to reactive substances almost always results in an inflammatory reaction. Also, remember to use mild skin products while tweezing, waxing, or using cosmetic creams until your skin recovers and returns to normal.

6. Hormonal Change:

One of the causes of hyperpigmentation is an increase in estrogen and progesterone levels, which is commonly induced by pregnancy or birth control tablets. Melanin production may increase as a result of hormonal changes. Melasma is a disorder in which estrogen or progesterone helps melanin pigment. Some hyperpigmentation may disappear after pregnancy. Though, this is not the case for everyone.


7. Hereditary:

Hyperpigmentation is a genetically inherited trait for certain people. Even though hyperpigmentation is a hereditary condition, it may occur at any age. If you have a family member who has severe hyperpigmentation, there is a chance that you will get it as well. Also, if you have a hereditary propensity for hyperpigmentation, even the tiniest reason, like exposure to the sun, hormone changes, or skin damage, can result in hyperpigmentation.

If you are still unsure about the cause of your skin pigmentation and need professional advice on how to cure it, “The Inspiration” is the place to go! They’ll provide you with the best solution and treatment choices for your pigmentation problems at skin treatment in Pune.

If you are still unsure about the cause of your skin pigmentation and need professional advice on how to cure it

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